

Hotel Mediterraneo ensures your comfort . Many small amenities that you can take use to further brighten up your holidays in Sardinia. You can easily navigate with the free wi-fi , you can enjoy the beach service , the possibility to bring your dog with you and many other facilities that can make all the difference.


Wi-Fi service is free and available throughout the establishment.

Wi-Fi Hotel Mediterraneo

Pets allowed

Hotel Mediterraneo welcomes all of your family members

Pets allowed Hotel Mediterraneo


Shuttle bus service available for our guests from/to the airport

Transfer Hotel Mediterraneo

Car rental

Information and advice for your car journeys

Car rental Hotel Mediterraneo

Beach services

A kiosk on the sand, sun beds, beach umbrellas and an enchanting sea

Beach services Hotel Mediterraneo

Buffet breakfast

A good awakening is what we all need every day, treat yourself to our dishes

Buffet breakfast Hotel Mediterraneo

Excursion desk

All the information you need to visit a different kind of Sardinia

Excursion desk Hotel Mediterraneo

Scuba diving centre

Discover the depths of a crystal clear sea that is full of surprises

Scuba diving centre Hotel Mediterraneo


For those moments when you just want a good coffee or a nice refreshing drink.

Bar Hotel Mediterraneo


You may park your car for free

Parking Hotel Mediterraneo